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Sheridan Show Jumpers is committed to the excellence of both horse and rider. For this reason, SSJ offers training board to help each client maximize her/his goals. Each horse is cared for by a knowledgeable, detail-oriented staff. To meet the staff of Sheridan Show Jumpers, please click here.
Horses are grained three times, and hayed four times, a day. Hooves are picked daily. Turn-out in our luxurious fields is weather permitting for the safety of the horses. On days the horses are kept inside, the hot-walker may be used to promote healthy exercise. The hot-walker may also be used for additional conditioning as part of your horse’s individualized training program. In this program, horses are ridden--either by a member of the SSJ staff or for the owner for a lesson--five times a week. On these days, horses will be groomed and tacked by the SSJ Staff unless otherwise requested by the owner.